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the 20th anniversary of Shandong Ruihai Group

On November 18, 2019, the 20th anniversary of the establishment of Shandong Ruihai Group and the completion of the polyacrylamide renovation project were held.The theme of this celebration is "Go hand in hand and create the future together",and take the group company's concept "Shandong Ruihai, wonderful for you" as the core.Hundreds guests came to the scene ,with more than 500 employees to witness this historical moment together.

Chairman Wei Chuanming delivered a speech at the ceremony. He specially pointed out that the development of Ruihai Group for 20 years has always adhered to the seven basic spiritual concepts. First, adhere to the spirit of hard work. Second, adhere to the principle of safety first and environmental protection first. Third, adhere to the principles of good faith and lawful operation. Fourth, adhere to the scientific development and people-oriented management philosophy. Fifth, adhere to the construction of corporate culture and establish the spirit of "the company seeks benefits for employees, and employees seek development for the company".Sixth, adhere to the professional spirit of dedication to society. Seventh, adhere to the concept of innovative development and sustainable development.

This celebration systematically sorted out the company's development history and basic concepts. Through the four chapters of development, culture, technology, and vision, review the past, summarize the present, and look to the future, and improve the cohesion, honor and pride of employees.

A series of activities were held on that day, which demonstrated the strength of the company, reflected the charm of the company, and shaped a solid corporate image.

Shandong Ruihai Mishan Chemical Co.,ltd

The East Chemical Industrial Park Zhangdian District Zibo City Shandong Province China


Danae Zhang

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